Endocrinology observes the endocrine system, this system is what controls the hormones of the human body. The endocrine system is the basis of human body functions as it pertains to hormones, hormones control growth, the reproductive systems, stress, etc. The hormones in our body do this by signaling to tissues and the bloodstreams within our bodies. Endocrinology explores far more than just hormones, it also recognizes glands and the organs within the endocrine system all of which work together to keep the human body balanced and functioning. Endocrinology has the objective to understand the bodily regulations through particular chemical signals and how they relate to the behavior of human body systems.
Endocrinology is vital for the heightening of science because it does not limit itself to one organ or one bodily system like most biomedical subtopics. Endocrinology is distinct due to the fact that it impacts all organs and systems in the body. Hormones can alter homeostasis, metabolism, and development which all occur throughout different parts of the body but nonetheless impacts the way we live our lives. Endocrinology observes interesting subjects like growth of the body, however endocrinology at the same time is tasked with advancing the research with hormone tied diseases. Some of the most well known hormone caused diseases include diabetes, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), and Osteoporosis, among many others.
After an Endocrinologist, a respective expert in the endocrinology field, diagnoses one with a hormone tied disease, medication is most commonly used to combat the disease. Though the vast endocrinology field is revolutionary, it still has a long way to go before being able to treat all diseases and conditions. Prescribing medication is only one treatment that may subside a disease or a condition and increase quality of life, however it is far from being a cure to hormone tied diseases. With the current research taking place, it is not a distant possibility that endocrinology will result in cures and further effective treatments for those who suffer from hormone tied conditions and diseases. Endocrinology has paved the way for hormone development and has led to countless discoveries that have saved millions of lives, with more time and research that number will increase.
Endocrinology observes hormones and their relation to diseases and conditions stemming from hormones of the human body. Endocrinology has paved the way for hormone development, the future of endocrinology is bright and revolutionary.
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What is endocrinology? Society for Endocrinology. (n.d.). Retrieved March 12, 2023, from https://www.endocrinology.org/about-us/what-is-endocrinology/